Source code for toppra.solverwrapper.ecos_solverwrapper

from .solverwrapper import SolverWrapper, check_solver_availability
from ..constraint import ConstraintType
from ..constants import INFTY, ECOS_MAXX, ECOS_INFTY
import logging
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse

    import ecos
except ImportError:

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ecosWrapper(SolverWrapper): """A solver wrapper that handles linear and conic-quadratic constraints using ECOS. :class:`ecosWrapper` and :class:`cvxpyWrapper` are the only wrappers that can handle conic-quadratic constraints, which are necessary to compute robust path parameterization. Notes ----- To reduce numerical-related issues, ECOS_MAXX is used to regulate the magnitude of the solution. ECOS is not very well implemented. There are many cases in which the solver fails simply because there is a very large bound (>1e6). Because of this, the test suites included in toppra do not include many tests for ecos. Attributes ---------- constraints : list of `Constraint` Constraints on the robot system. path : Interpolator The geometric path to be time-parametrized. path_discretization: array The discretization grid use to discretize the geometric path. """ def __init__(self, constraint_list, path, path_discretization): super(ecosWrapper, self).__init__(constraint_list, path, path_discretization) if not check_solver_availability('ecos'): raise RuntimeError( "Unable to start ecos wrapper because ECOS solver is not installed." ) # NOTE: Currently receive params in dense form. self._linear_idx = [] self._conic_idx = [] # Linear_dim + conic_dim are the number of rows of matrix G and h # conic_dim is divisible by 4 self._linear_dim = 0 self._conic_dim = 0 logger.debug("Registering constraints") for i, constraint in enumerate(constraint_list): logger.debug("Constraint [{:d}] \n {:}".format(i, constraint.__repr__())) _type = constraint.get_constraint_type() if _type == ConstraintType.CanonicalLinear: self._linear_idx.append(i) if self.params[i][3] is not None: # Check F is not None if constraint.identical: self._linear_dim += self.params[i][3].shape[0] else: self._linear_dim += self.params[i][3].shape[1] if self.params[i][5] is not None: # Check ubound self._linear_dim += 2 if self.params[i][6] is not None: # Check xbound self._linear_dim += 2 elif _type == ConstraintType.CanonicalConic: self._conic_idx.append(i) self._conic_dim += 4 * self.params[i][0].shape[1] else: raise NotImplementedError( "Constraint type {:} not implemented".format(_type) ) assert self._conic_dim % 4 == 0 logger.debug("Indices of linear constraints: {:}".format(self._linear_idx)) logger.debug("Indices of conic constraints : {:}".format(self._conic_idx)) logger.debug( "Nb of row for linear constraints: {:d} rows".format(self._linear_dim) ) logger.debug( "Nb of row for conic constraints : {:d} rows".format(self._conic_dim) )
[docs] def solve_stagewise_optim(self, i, H, g, x_min, x_max, x_next_min, x_next_max): assert i <= self.N and 0 <= i assert H is None or np.allclose(H, np.zeros(2)) # Total number of rows in matrix G, h. Descriptions of terms # 1) x_min <= x <= x_max # 2) xnext_min <= x + 2 ds u <= xnext_max # 3) linear constraints # 4) conic constraints if i < self.N: nrow = 2 + 2 + self._linear_dim + self._conic_dim dims = {"l": 2 + 2 + self._linear_dim, "q": [4] * (self._conic_dim // 4)} else: nrow = 2 + self._linear_dim + self._conic_dim dims = {"l": 2 + self._linear_dim, "q": [4] * (self._conic_dim // 4)} G_lil = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix((nrow, 2)) h = np.zeros(nrow) # Fill G and h currow = 0 ## Fill 1) G_lil[currow : currow + 2, 1] = [[-1], [1]] if not np.isnan(x_min): h[currow] = -x_min else: h[currow] = ECOS_INFTY currow += 1 if not np.isnan(x_max): h[currow] = x_max else: h[currow] = ECOS_INFTY currow += 1 ## Fill 2) if i < self.N: delta = self.get_deltas()[i] G_lil[currow, :] = [[-2 * delta, -1]] if not np.isnan(x_next_min): h[currow] = -x_next_min else: h[currow] = ECOS_INFTY currow += 1 G_lil[currow, :] = [[2 * delta, 1]] if not np.isnan(x_next_max): h[currow] = x_next_max else: h[currow] = ECOS_INFTY currow += 1 ## Fill 3) for k in self._linear_idx: _a, _b, _c, _F, _h, _ubound, _xbound = self.params[k] if _a is not None: if self.constraints[k].identical: nb_cnst = _F.shape[0] G_lil[currow : currow + nb_cnst, 0] =, _a[i]).reshape( -1, 1 ) G_lil[currow : currow + nb_cnst, 1] =, _b[i]).reshape( -1, 1 ) h[currow : currow + nb_cnst] = _h -, _c[i]) currow += nb_cnst else: nb_cnst = _F.shape[1] G_lil[currow : currow + nb_cnst, 0] =[i], _a[i]).reshape( -1, 1 ) G_lil[currow : currow + nb_cnst, 1] =[i], _b[i]).reshape( -1, 1 ) h[currow : currow + nb_cnst] = _h[i] -[i], _c[i]) currow += nb_cnst if _ubound is not None: G_lil[currow, 0] = 1 G_lil[currow + 1, 0] = -1 h[currow : currow + 2] = [_ubound[i, 1], -_ubound[i, 0]] currow += 2 if _xbound is not None: G_lil[currow, 1] = 1 G_lil[currow + 1, 1] = -1 h[currow : currow + 2] = [min(ECOS_MAXX, _xbound[i, 1]), -_xbound[i, 0]] currow += 2 ## Fill 4) for k in self._conic_idx: _a, _b, _c, _P, _, _ = self.params[k] # NOTE: Here the following arrangement is used. # G_i = [ a_ij b_ij ] # [ -P_ij^T[:, :2] ] # h_i = [- c_ij ] # [- P_ij^T[:, 2] ] for j in range(_a.shape[1]): G_lil[currow, :] = [_a[i, j], _b[i, j]] G_lil[currow + 1 : currow + 4, :] = _P[i, j].T[:, :2] h[currow] = -_c[i, j] h[currow + 1 : currow + 4] = _P[i, j].T[:, 2] currow += 4 # Fill G = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(G_lil) result = ecos.solve(g, G, h, dims, verbose=False) accepted_infos = ["Optimal solution found", "Close to optimal solution found"] if result["info"]["infostring"] in accepted_infos: success = True else: success = False logger.warning( "Optimization fails. Result dictionary: \n {:}".format(result) ) ux_opt = np.zeros(2) if success: ux_opt = result["x"] else: ux_opt[:] = np.nan return ux_opt