Source code for toppra.constraint.linear_second_order

"""This module implements the general Second-Order constraints."""
import logging
import numpy as np

from .linear_constraint import LinearConstraint, canlinear_colloc_to_interpolate
from .constraint import DiscretizationType

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SecondOrderConstraint(LinearConstraint): """This class implements the linear Second-Order constraint. Conventionally, a :class:`SecondOrderConstraint` is given by the following formula: .. math:: A(\mathbf{q}) \ddot {\mathbf{q}} + \dot {\mathbf{q}}^\\top B(\mathbf{q}) \dot {\mathbf{q}} + C(\mathbf{q}) = w, where w is a vector that satisfies the polyhedral constraint: .. math:: F(\mathbf{q}) w \\leq g(\mathbf{q}). Take the example of a robot torque bound, the functions :math:`A, B, C` represent respectively the inertial, Corriolis and gravitational terms of the robot's rigid body dynamics. We can evaluate a constraint on a given geometric path :math:`\mathbf{p}(s)` using the following equations, which are obtained by direct substitution: .. math:: A(\mathbf{q}) \mathbf{p}'(s) \ddot s + [A(\mathbf{q}) \mathbf{p}''(s) + \mathbf{p}'(s)^\\top B(\mathbf{q}) \mathbf{p}'(s)] \dot s^2 + C(\mathbf{q}) = w, \\\\ \mathbf{a}(s) \ddot s + \mathbf{b}(s) \dot s ^2 + \mathbf{c}(s) = w. where :math:`\mathbf{p}', \mathbf{p}''` denote respectively the first and second derivatives of the path. It is important to understand that the vector functions :math:`\mathbf a, \mathbf b, \mathbf c` are what `toppra` needs to solve for path parametrizations. To evaluate these coefficients :math:`\mathbf a(s), \mathbf b(s), \mathbf c(s)`, fortunately, it is not necessary to have the functions :math:`A, B, C` explicitly. Rather, it is only required to have the sum of the these 3 functions--the so-called inverse dynamic function: .. math:: \mathrm{inverse\_dyn}(\mathbf q, \dot{\mathbf q}, \ddot{\mathbf q}) := A(\mathbf{q}) \ddot {\mathbf{q}} + \dot {\mathbf{q}}^\\top B(\mathbf{q}) \dot {\mathbf{q}} + C(\mathbf{q}) In some cases, one might have terms that depends purely on the path: .. math:: \mathbf{a}(s) \ddot s + \mathbf{b}(s) \dot s ^2 + \mathbf{c}(s) + \mathcal{C}(\mathbf p, s)= w. an example is the joint friction. This term is referred to as `custom_term` in the initializing arguments of :class:`SecondOrderConstraint`. It is interesting to note that we can actually use a more general form of the above equations, hence covering a wider class of constraints. In particular, one can replace :math:`A(\mathbf{q}), B(\mathbf{q}), C(\mathbf{q}), F(\mathbf{q}), g(\mathbf{q})` with :math:`A(\mathbf{q}, s), B(\mathbf{q}, s), C(\mathbf{q}, s), F(\mathbf{q}, s), g(\mathbf{q}, s)`. This form, however, is not implemented in `toppra`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, inv_dyn, constraint_F, constraint_g, dof, custom_term=None, discretization_scheme=1): """Initialize the constraint. Parameters ---------- inv_dyn: (np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray The "inverse dynamics" function that receives joint position, velocity, acceleration and path position as inputs and ouputs the constrained vector :math:`\mathbf w`. See above for more details. constraint_F: (np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray The constraint coefficient function :math:`\mathbf F(\mathbf q, s)`. See above for more details. constraint_g: (np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray The constraint coefficient function :math:`\mathbf g(\mathbf q, s)`. See above for more details. dof: int The dimension of the joint position. custom_term: (:class:`Interpolator`, float) -> np.ndarray This function receives as input a geometric path and a float path position, then returns an additive term. See the above note for more details. discretization_scheme: DiscretizationType Type of discretization. """ super(SecondOrderConstraint, self).__init__() self.set_discretization_type(discretization_scheme) self.inv_dyn = inv_dyn self.constraint_F = constraint_F self.constraint_g = constraint_g self.dof = dof self.custom_term = custom_term self._format_string = " Kind: Generalized Second-order constraint\n" self._format_string = " Dimension:\n" self._format_string += " F in R^({:d}, {:d})\n".format( *constraint_F(np.zeros(dof)).shape)
[docs] @classmethod def joint_torque_constraint(cls, inv_dyn, taulim, joint_friction, **kwargs): """Initialize a Joint Torque constraint. Parameters ---------- inv_dyn: (np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray Inverse dynamic function of the robot. taulim: np.ndarray Shape (N, 2). The i-th element contains the minimum and maximum joint torque limits respectively. joint_friction: np.ndarray Shape (N,). The i-th element contains the dry friction (torque) in the i-th joint. """ dof = np.shape(taulim)[0] stacked_eyes = np.vstack((np.eye(dof), -np.eye(dof))) g_aug = np.zeros(2 * dof) g_aug[:dof] = taulim[:, 1] g_aug[dof:] = -taulim[:, 0] constraint_F = lambda _: stacked_eyes constraint_g = lambda _: g_aug custom_term = lambda path, s: np.sign(path(s, 1)) * joint_friction return SecondOrderConstraint(inv_dyn, constraint_F, constraint_g, dof, custom_term, **kwargs)
[docs] def compute_constraint_params(self, path, gridpoints): if path.dof != self.dof: raise ValueError( "Wrong dimension: constraint dof ({:d}) not equal to path dof ({:d})" .format(self.dof, path.dof)) v_zero = np.zeros(path.dof) p_vec = path(gridpoints) ps_vec = path(gridpoints, 1) pss_vec = path(gridpoints, 2) F_vec = np.array(list(map(self.constraint_F, p_vec))) g_vec = np.array(list(map(self.constraint_g, p_vec))) c_vec = np.array([self.inv_dyn(_p, v_zero, v_zero) for _p in p_vec]) a_vec = np.array( [self.inv_dyn(_p, v_zero, _ps) for _p, _ps in zip(p_vec, ps_vec)]) - c_vec b_vec = np.array([ self.inv_dyn(_p, _ps, pss_) for _p, _ps, pss_ in zip(p_vec, ps_vec, pss_vec) ]) - c_vec if self.custom_term is not None: for i, _ in enumerate(gridpoints): c_vec[i] = c_vec[i] + self.custom_term(path, gridpoints[i]) if self.discretization_type == DiscretizationType.Collocation: return a_vec, b_vec, c_vec, F_vec, g_vec, None, None if self.discretization_type == DiscretizationType.Interpolation: return canlinear_colloc_to_interpolate(a_vec, b_vec, c_vec, F_vec, g_vec, None, None, gridpoints) raise NotImplementedError("Other form of discretization not supported!")