Source code for toppra.constraint.linear_joint_acceleration

"""Joint acceleration constraint."""
import numpy as np
from .linear_constraint import LinearConstraint, canlinear_colloc_to_interpolate
from ..constraint import DiscretizationType
from ..interpolator import AbstractGeometricPath

[docs]class JointAccelerationConstraint(LinearConstraint): """The Joint Acceleration Constraint class. A joint acceleration constraint is given by .. math :: \ddot{\mathbf{q}}_{min} & \leq \ddot{\mathbf q} &\leq \ddot{\mathbf{q}}_{max} \\\\ \ddot{\mathbf{q}}_{min} & \leq \mathbf{q}'(s_i) u_i + \mathbf{q}''(s_i) x_i &\leq \ddot{\mathbf{q}}_{max} where :math:`u_i, x_i` are respectively the path acceleration and path velocity square at :math:`s_i`. For more detail see :ref:`derivationKinematics`. Rearranging the above pair of vector inequalities into the form required by :class:`LinearConstraint`, we have: - :code:`a[i]` := :math:`\mathbf q'(s_i)` - :code:`b[i]` := :math:`\mathbf q''(s_i)` - :code:`F` := :math:`[\mathbf{I}, -\mathbf I]^T` - :code:`h` := :math:`[\ddot{\mathbf{q}}_{max}^T, -\ddot{\mathbf{q}}_{min}^T]^T` """
[docs] def __init__(self, alim, discretization_scheme=DiscretizationType.Interpolation): """Initialize the joint acceleration class. Parameters ---------- alim: array Shape (dof, 2). The lower and upper acceleration bounds of the j-th joint are alim[j, 0] and alim[j, 1] respectively. discretization_scheme: :class:`.DiscretizationType` Can be either Collocation (0) or Interpolation (1). Interpolation gives more accurate results with slightly higher computational cost. """ super(JointAccelerationConstraint, self).__init__() alim = np.array(alim, dtype=float) if np.isnan(alim).any(): raise ValueError("Bad velocity given: %s" % alim) if len(alim.shape) == 1: self.alim = np.vstack((-np.array(alim), np.array(alim))).T else: self.alim = np.array(alim, dtype=float) self.dof = self.alim.shape[0] self.set_discretization_type(discretization_scheme) assert self.alim.shape[1] == 2, "Wrong input shape." self._format_string = " Acceleration limit: \n" for i in range(self.alim.shape[0]): self._format_string += " J{:d}: {:}".format(i + 1, self.alim[i]) + "\n" self.identical = True
[docs] def compute_constraint_params( self, path: AbstractGeometricPath, gridpoints: np.ndarray, *args, **kwargs ): if path.dof != self.dof: raise ValueError( "Wrong dimension: constraint dof ({:d}) not equal to path dof ({:d})".format( self.dof, path.dof ) ) ps_vec = (path(gridpoints, order=1)).reshape((-1, path.dof)) pss_vec = (path(gridpoints, order=2)).reshape((-1, path.dof)) dof = path.dof F_single = np.zeros((dof * 2, dof)) g_single = np.zeros(dof * 2) g_single[0:dof] = self.alim[:, 1] g_single[dof:] = -self.alim[:, 0] F_single[0:dof, :] = np.eye(dof) F_single[dof:, :] = -np.eye(dof) if self.discretization_type == DiscretizationType.Collocation: return ( ps_vec, pss_vec, np.zeros_like(ps_vec), F_single, g_single, None, None, ) elif self.discretization_type == DiscretizationType.Interpolation: return canlinear_colloc_to_interpolate( ps_vec, pss_vec, np.zeros_like(ps_vec), F_single, g_single, None, None, gridpoints, identical=True, ) else: raise NotImplementedError("Other form of discretization not supported!")