Source code for toppra.constraint.joint_torque

from .linear_constraint import LinearConstraint, canlinear_colloc_to_interpolate
from ..constraint import DiscretizationType
import numpy as np

[docs]class JointTorqueConstraint(LinearConstraint): """Joint Torque Constraint. A joint torque constraint is given by .. math:: A(q) \ddot q + \dot q^\\top B(q) \dot q + C(q) + D( \dot q )= w, where w is a vector that satisfies the polyhedral constraint: .. math:: F(q) w \\leq g(q). Notice that `inv_dyn(q, qd, qdd) = w` and that `cnsf_coeffs(q) = F(q), g(q)`. To evaluate the constraint on a geometric path `p(s)`, multiple calls to `inv_dyn` and `const_coeff` are made. Specifically one can derive the second-order equation as follows .. math:: A(q) p'(s) \ddot s + [A(q) p''(s) + p'(s)^\\top B(q) p'(s)] \dot s^2 + C(q) + D( \dot q ) = w, a(s) \ddot s + b(s) \dot s ^2 + c(s) = w To evaluate the coefficients a(s), b(s), c(s), inv_dyn is called repeatedly with appropriate arguments. Parameters ---------- inv_dyn: (array, array, array) -> array The "inverse dynamics" function that receives joint position, velocity and acceleration as inputs and ouputs the "joint torque". See notes for more details. tau_lim: array Shape (dof, 2). The lower and upper torque bounds of the j-th joint are tau_lim[j, 0] and tau_lim[j, 1] respectively. fs_coef: array Shape (dof). The coefficients of dry friction of the joints. discretization_scheme: :class:`.DiscretizationType` Can be either Collocation (0) or Interpolation (1). Interpolation gives more accurate results with slightly higher computational cost. """
[docs] def __init__( self, inv_dyn, tau_lim, fs_coef, discretization_scheme=DiscretizationType.Collocation, ): super(JointTorqueConstraint, self).__init__() self.inv_dyn = inv_dyn self.tau_lim = np.array(tau_lim, dtype=float) self.fs_coef = np.array(fs_coef) self.dof = self.tau_lim.shape[0] self.set_discretization_type(discretization_scheme) assert self.tau_lim.shape[1] == 2, "Wrong input shape." self._format_string = " Torque limit: \n" for i in range(self.tau_lim.shape[0]): self._format_string += ( " J{:d}: {:}".format(i + 1, self.tau_lim[i]) + "\n" ) self.identical = True
[docs] def compute_constraint_params(self, path, gridpoints): if path.dof != self.get_dof(): raise ValueError( "Wrong dimension: constraint dof ({:d}) not equal to path dof ({:d})".format( self.get_dof(), path.dof ) ) v_zero = np.zeros(path.dof) p = path.eval(gridpoints) ps = path.evald(gridpoints) pss = path.evaldd(gridpoints) N = gridpoints.shape[0] - 1 dof = path.dof I_dof = np.eye(dof) F = np.zeros((dof * 2, dof)) g = np.zeros(dof * 2) g[0:dof] = self.tau_lim[:, 1] g[dof:] = -self.tau_lim[:, 0] F[0:dof, :] = I_dof F[dof:, :] = -I_dof c = np.array([self.inv_dyn(p_, v_zero, v_zero) for p_ in p]) a = np.array([self.inv_dyn(p_, v_zero, ps_) for p_, ps_ in zip(p, ps)]) - c b = ( np.array([self.inv_dyn(p_, ps_, pss_) for p_, ps_, pss_ in zip(p, ps, pss)]) - c ) # dry friction for i in range(0, dof): c[:, i] += self.fs_coef[i] * np.sign(ps[:, i]) if self.discretization_type == DiscretizationType.Collocation: return a, b, c, F, g, None, None elif self.discretization_type == DiscretizationType.Interpolation: return canlinear_colloc_to_interpolate( a, b, c, F, g, None, None, gridpoints, identical=True ) else: raise NotImplementedError("Other form of discretization not supported!")