.. _installation: Installation ********************** Installing Python API ========================================= Basic installation -------------------------- Run the below command to run the stable version of the Python API .. code-block:: shell pip install git+https://github.com/hungpham2511/toppra The development version can be installed with this instead. .. code-block:: shell pip install git+https://github.com/hungpham2511/toppra@develop You can now try a basic example: .. code-block:: shell python examples/plot_kinematics.py Installing other solver backends -------------------------------- The default installation comes with an implementation of the seidel LP solver, specialized for parametrization problem. Other backends are also available. To install `qpoases` run following command after installing `pyinvoke` .. code-block:: shell inv install-solvers To install other backends (cvxpy, cvxopt, ecos), install the `dev` extra requirements: .. code-block:: shell pip install .[dev] Installing C++ API ========================================= See `cpp/README.md `_ for more details. Building docs ============================== The latest documentation is available at ``_. To build and view the documentation locally, run the following command in the terminal. .. code-block:: shell cd toppra/docs pip install -r requirements.txt make livehtml The C++ API has its own doxygen-based API. Testing =============================== The Python API test suites use :code:`pytest` for running unittests, you will need to install the `dev` extra (See above) and run `pytest` to run the full suite. .. code-block:: sh cd / pytest -v The C++ API has a set of unit tests as well, from the build folder run: .. code-block:: sh ./tests/all_tests